Confessions of a Go-go Girl

Jane McCoy, a recent college graduate, much to her parent’s dismay, decides to scrap her plans for law school to pursue an acting career full-time. Struggling to make ends meet, she meets a confident and persuasive friend who shows her the way to make extra money go-go dancing. What starts as just an “easy money” job, however, rapidly becomes an all-consuming activity that slowly pulls Jane from her acting classes, her relationships with her boyfriend and family, and, most importantly, from her true self.
Song Listing
Due to popular request, here’s a list of songs from this movie:
Marcus Brown: “Promises Promises”
Blazed Out Music: “Talk About It”
Silver Money: “Back Seat Taxi”
People People: “Do You Feel Love”
Pailboy: “Struttin’ ”
Fully Loaded: “Victim”
Dee: “Shooting Stars”
Casey McPherson: “Everytime You Turn”
Psideralic: “Something”
Premier Tracks: “Sold Again”
Kiss The Girl: “Alien Skin”
Kiss The Girl: “Sugar”
Jerome Dillon: “Straight to Nowhere”
Byrd Project: “Your Bitch”
Michal: “Perfect”
Late Tuesday: “Anyone But You”
July 2008
47 Responses to Confessions of a Go-go Girl
One more thing, the song “Straight to Nowhere” is by a band called Nearly off their album Reminder. I found them on for download ($0.99). Hope this helps ;-)
I don’t think the song “Sugar” is by Kiss the Girl. That group has a male lead singer and the music is totally different. can we get the real artist behind the song “Sugar”? Thanks!
The ending the played an instrumental during her play what’s the name of it?
the song some of u are looking for “take a ride on the wildside” is actually called “BACKSEAT TAXI” and the artist is listed as the same name. u can get it on itunes for 99 cents
I love this movie i real the song too thank for such a great movie and i love u make it or break it
I’m looking for the “Take a Walk on the Wildside” song. Anyone know?
It is a part of the original score, titled “Especially You”. You can listen to it through the media player on the right.
Hey everyone, what’s the name of this song?
“i lie to everyone about everything, especially me. i say i’m not tired when i am, i say i’m hungry when i’m not. i tell people what they want to hear, and never say what i’m actually feeling. i let the lies pile up like bricks on a wall, until i can’t see out and no one else can see in. i make a plan to escape. i become someone else. i put on a disguise, and i climb over the wall, and no one recognizes me. i feel powerful. i get people to do what i want them to do, but i go too far, i get lost, and i don’t recognize myself. so i take off my disguise, i give away the power, i give up the control, i retrace my steps, go back to the wall, and i take it down, brick by brick. i bury them to mark the place, strip away all the lies until there are none left. i remember the girl i left behind, i claim the confidence i was missing. i envision the woman i want to be, tell everyone the truth about everything, especially you.”
Help me pleaaaaaase!
Gosh! Thanks a lot AshleyF ! I’ve been looking for the name of this song for months !I will buy it from Itunes also!:X Thanks a lot again!
I found the name if the song when Donna Mercer dances. It is called Talk About It by Cadence Blaze, Beat Mekanic and Erica King. I did not know where to buy it so I emailed the producing company and they responded that we cannot buy the song from any store or online since the songs they produce are only to heard in movies. BUT…I did find and buy that song on ITunes. So go there and buy it for $.99. Glad I could help everyone because I knew this was killing me till I found it.
oigan porfis me gustaria saber cual es el nombre de la musica que suena cuando ella se mira al espejo, la musica de piano y violin ¿como se llama? 0 ¿quien la interpreta?
To AlexisC and anyone else…the song in Confessions of a Go Go Girl when Donna Mercer is on stage at shakers the first time Jane walks in the club is called TALK ABOUT IT by BLAZED OUT MUSIC. I finally realized that’s the name but I am not having any luck finding a link for the song.
Hello Everybody! When I ‘ve seen this movie ,only one song caught my attention : This is the song ,the song starts from the minute 3.25
Please can you tell me what’s the name of the song?
I ‘m looking for it for months but…with no results:(
thanks 4 putting a soundtrack list on here plus this movie is a fav!!!!
I agree w/Minta, i am looking for that song that sings ‘if you like what i got, and i got what you want…talk to me….’ i’ve been looking for hours and i cannot find that song to save my life!! There REALLY needs to be a soundtrack to this movie!!! Music is great!!!
Could some1 help me?! I’ve been looking already for 3 days for the song when Donna Mercer dances at Shakers Go Go Bar, it’s just at the beginning of this movie. The words of this song are: “… if you like what I’ve got and I’ve got what you like…”. Pls, HELP me to find this song!:)))
hey !
i’ve been looking for the songs all over the world like for real i cant find them not youtube nor grooveshark not even itunes stor =S i only found like four of them sooo please please pleaseeee
im begging if someone knows where i can find them please let me know
im desperate !
i really want the song that plays right after jane get’s caught, and during while she is sitting on the park bench.
the only line i can remember is..
“i didn’t mean to block your sun with my shadow..”
or something like that.
anyway i can’t find it anywhere!?
This movie will be aired tonight, 11/15/10 on LMN, I’m looking foward to seeing it again. Great movie, especially the soundtrack!
It’s the only movie I remember the great music it had!
Did HBO get paid to air that crap! Felt like someone stuck thumbtacks in my eyes watching over the hill sag face Calgary strippers swinging around the pole!!!What’s next HBO??? Strippers that have real talent… other than the obvious.Come on HBO,it isn’t gonna go anywhere anytime soon,air the talented porn stars in more movies,atleast they have talents…& cut that out already!!! Dissapointed CEO
I ve found the psideralica cd here
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of “sugar” by kiss the girl? It’s not on any of their published albums and I can’t find it on any website. Any help would be appreciated! It’s the song playing when Jane is watching the girls dance at Tantra. Thanks so much!
Amo Esta PeliculA La Vi 18 Veses En El Canal STUDIO Me Encanta! Pero No Se Encuentra A La Venta :( La Pelicula :( xq Sera ? Pero Me Descarge De Esta Pajina El Tema “Esspessial You” Is Ameising Y Me Descarge Tanmbien L Cancion Somethink!!!! by xoxo
“Especially you” is an instrumental piece (no vocals), it is a part of the original score by AK.
Does any one know who sings “Especially you” ? from the play list from up right ? i really love that song <33
Since I found the song of ” Psideralica – Something in the ARES ” but I could not have found the others songs, please if they find them say to me where please ok, To be grateful so much
thanx a million for the songs
i love this movi
You can find the song “Back Seat Taxi” at iTunes! Type in the song title and it will come up as a single. It’s not listed by the artist but it is the correct song!
PLEASE make a soundtrack for this movie! The music is AMAZING and I cannot find it anywhere to download. If anyone knows where I can find these tracks PLEASE let me know!
Does anyone got the tracks? Because i cant find any of this even i had the list of the names. Please help me. SORRY FOR MY BAD LANGUAGE.
Yay! I finally found the soundtrack listing! =) I loved the film and I was absolutely touched by the music,especially the instrumental when Jane does her monologue at the ending. *content sigh* :]
Hello, I am charmed with this movie, me encantaria having the music, of chance not the tendras or algun link to be able to lower it, I leave my mail you for if you know of someone where to lower it.
My mail is
Will there ever be a soundtrack for this movie? There should be, the music was awesome!
I need to know the name of the song, that is like “I wanna take a walk on the wild side”! Please Help and tell me where I can find it, I have got nowhere looking for it, and I can’t find it in the credits.
Anyway I can get Something by Psideralic for free?
Help me please!
I have tried downloading “back seat taxi” on Limewire and every other site possible and it WILL NOT WORK!!! Please make a soundtrack because it is such a wonderful movie and the music is AWESOME!!! If anyone can let me know where I can find that song I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!!!
I previously watched confessions of a Go-go girl and i was wondering what one of the songs was called…. it’s like “I wanna take a ride on the wild side”. I think its played when they’re doing the bachelor party…
I have looked and looked on the internet for these songs and I can NOT find them anywhere…Ever since I have watched the movie, I have been wanting the music off of there…This is a very good movie with alot of good music!!!!
The song by Late Tuesday is “Anyone But You”
The years they take their toll, but I am glad I can say that I’ve had you by my side
And these sorrow make for a better shape
And now they have set me in this place where I can say
I just can’t get over it, I still can’t get over it – not that I want to
And you just can’t get over me, it’s so darn encouraging
As long as I fall for anyone but you
Honey, I would shake all these hurts away,
If I thought it’d help these things get better in the end
But with every step we grow stronger yet
With that in the back of your mind you can toss these fears away
I just can’t get over it, I still can’t get over it – not that I want to
And you just can’t get over me, it’s so darn encouraging
As long as I fall for anyone but you
i agree with the two on top of me. there needs to be a soundtrack for the movie! i have been looking for it for two hours and i cannot find it. Or atleast a copy of the movie so i can see the credits. great movie though
Hi If you find out anything about the soundtrack or any of the songs Please let me know,
You guys need to absolutely need to have a soundtrack! I can’t find any of the songs on iTunes and really really really want to download Backseat Taxi and a couple others. If you have any info you could share with me I’d be more than appreciative, thank you and what a great movie!