Copernicus’ Star

A story based on the life of Nicolaus Copernicus, a 16th century Polish astronomer and mathematician whose theory displaced the Earth from the center of the Universe. It forever changed the place of man in the cosmos. No longer could man legitimately think his significance greater than his fellow creatures.
Critics about the score
Abel Korzeniowski’s music from Copernicus’ Star is one for the ages. The soundtrack, which was recently released by La-La Land Records, immediately vaulted to the top of my all-time favorites list after listening to it just a couple of times. Yes, it’s that good, and no, I am not just saying this arbitrarily. This score is one of the reasons why film music continues to inspire and dazzle me.
I listened to it a few times and I can assure that it’s great enough to be on my favorite scores of all the time list. (…) After listening to this one a few times I realized that I have to update my top five scores of 2009. With A Single Man and Copernicus’ Star in the list I can say: Abel Korzeniowski is composer of the year 2009 in my opinion.
(…) extraordinarily special. It’s quite rare to come across a score that manages to create such a magical and wondrous world such as this. (…)
The music soars with a magic intensity that lifts your spirit high. The score stands on its own completely, which makes this something you can listen to and enjoy without knowing the source material. In fact the music is structured so perfectly that you get the full benefit of going on the narrative journey just through the music. Simply put, this is a stunning and wondrous score. It’s also something fresh and original that isn’t a Hollywood product. This is a pure organic score composed from the human heart.
If someone had slipped Copernicus’ Star into the academy nominations in 2009 it would have won an Oscar. (…) Copernicus’ Star is a wonderfully complex score. The themes are polished and catchy. The score is varied in mood and style, but overall it fits into a cohesive package, one that will take you away and only bring you back after you’ve heard every track. It’s the kind of music that demands another listen, award-winning material.
Scores like Copernicus’ Star really bring home the fact that, out there in film music land, absolutely magnificent scores are being written for films which no-one knows and which for the most part stand no chance of being released.
If there were a composer who literally shot out of the film music firmament in the past few years, then it would be Poland’s Abel Korzeniowski.
May 2009
15 Responses to Copernicus’ Star
At last- melody is back in filmmusic! You fill the gap after the great polish “K”-composers in Hollywood left: Kaper, Komeda, Kilar… now there is Korzeniowski! I Look forward to the many great things to come! Thank You, best wishes from
Copernicus’ Star really bring home the fact that, out there in film music land, absolutely magnificent scores are being written for films which no-one knows and which for the most part stand no chance of being released.
This Soundtrack is a Masterpiece of Filmmusic.
For me you are the Polish “John Williams” :-)
I wish you all the Best for the Future !
At last- melody is back in filmmusic! You fill the gap after the great polish “K”-composers in Hollywood left: Kaper, Komeda, Kilar… now there is Korzeniowski! I Look forward to the many great things to come! Thank You, best wishes from Germany!
Absolutely brilliant! Kudos to you for this gem! You ought to be getting more assignments that let you write music like this! Good luck, and hope that the Battle for Terra album gets sorted out!
You are definately one of the best composers of all time, no kidding. You should do more movie scores, get yourself some oscars. The soundtrack of A Single Mind was mind blowing!
Thanks for your fantastic works!
Beatiful music, grandmaster composer.
your music is so great i got to share it with the world sorry!
wow !! u got a new fan !
“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything else.”
Thanks and let us all know when to expect the release.
I second this, the music you posted here is too great to be a download only. It’s fantastic and is desperately crying for an official CD release! Definite buy!
This sounds too good to be available in substandard download-only quality :( Any chance for the real thing even as a limited edition “only”, please? :)
Not released yet. I plan on doing a digital album in the future though.
Where can I buy this album??! It is absolutely ravishing and evocative!
Brillant! ! !
I’m waiting the Complete Score, Battle for Terra too.
Great great composer!