Tomorrow’s Weather

After spending 17 years in the seclusion of a monastery, Jozef Koziol (writer-director Jerzy Stuhr) returns to Polish society to visit the family he abandoned long ago. What he finds is a world that’s much changed and a family he barely even recognizes: One daughter (Barbara Kaluzna) is starring in a pornographic reality show, another (Roma Gasiorowska) is doing drugs, and his wife (Malgorzata Zajaczkowska) is married to another man.
September 2003
4 Responses to Tomorrow’s Weather
Bonjour de France,
Je connaissais déjà la music de “A Single Man”. Mais ce morceau est vraiment envoutant et merveilleux. Bravo ! bravo ! bravo ! Merci de nous le faire découvrir sur ce site.
Hello from France,
I already knew the music of “A Single Man.” But this song is really beautiful. Bravo! bravo! bravo! Thank you
“Che Tempo Fa” is one of your most beautiful compositions. From 1:04-4:00 I get completely lost in this music. Thank you so much for making it available for us to listen to. If this soundtrack will never get an official release can we at least hear some more of the tracks from Tomorrow’s Weather here on your website? I would really love to hear more from this score.
Wygląda na to, że cały nakład płyty się wyczerpał. Wytwórnia musiałaby ją wznowić, w co wątpię. Ja polecam muzykę do “Samotnego Mężczyzny” (“A Single Man”).
Przeszukałam całą sieć wraz z Merlinem i Allegro – nigdzie nie ma do kupienia soundtracku (znakomita muzyka!) z tego filmu. Jak to możliwe? No i gdzie można go znaleźć?
Joanna Więckowska