Evgeni’s Waltz – music sheet

For your playing pleasure, here is the original piano part for “Evgeni’s Waltz” from Madonna’s “W.E.”. This piece was performed for the film by Michael A. Lang on a beautiful, dark-sounding Yamaha Disklavier grand piano.
I hope you’ll give it your own voice.
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An excerpt from W.E. script
Evgeni pours some more red wine for Wally, the remnants of dinner still on the table. Wally is dressed in Evgeni’s bathrobe, and seems to be slowly relaxing.EVGENI
Can I get you anything else?WALLY
What happened to your wife.EVGENI (beat)
She died. Two years ago.Wally hesitates, then softly:
Will you play something for me?Evgeni looks at her for a moment, lights a cigarette, then walks to the piano. He sits.
Something I wrote?Wally nods. He cracks his knuckles, and begins to play, cigarette dangling from his mouth. A haunting melody.
April 2012
68 Responses to Evgeni’s Waltz – music sheet
Hey Abel,
so nice that one can reach out to you in this forum. I discovered your music three months ago on Spotify and fell in love with the whole W.E. album. I listen to your music whenever I study and feel stressed or anxious to calm down.
Thanks for sharing this sheet.
Thank you so much for providing this sheet music. This is such a beautiful song and I am enjoying learning it. You have provided so many with much joy with your music! :-) Maria
Not since Michael Nyman’s work for The Piano has a single piece so powerfully carried a movie. It is very generous of you to make this available. Thank you so very much.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift. Evegeni’s Waltz makes me feel as if I’m reading a novel when I play or listen to it as it transports me to another place and time. <3
Abel, thank you very much for the pieces, they are beautiful, they help to find peace and reflection inside as well as outside. They remind us that the world is a place where God wants us all to be like him, noble, just and kind. Your music allows us to dream of something more … something better.
Can you fall in love with someone just
With music? I’ve never heard of you before
This was a discovery made by chance but now
I have been listening to the same songs
Over and over because they feel like they
Speak. I have no talent for music but how
I love to hear what a skillful musician is
Capable of creating. Art is meant to
Cause a reaction and everytime I listen
To your music I can’t help but cry.
I love this film mostly because of your wonderful music. Thank you so much Abel. I got a quite special movement watching and “listening” this film.
I am trying to learning this piece now and this experience is special and magical for me in another way. If it is possible, can we get other piano sheets of this OST?
All in all, I am so lucky for meeting this film and those charming music. Thank you Abel, waiting for your masterpiece on the way.
Hello Abel Korzeniowski I am giorgia from Italy and I wonder if you could give me the sheet of this amazing music Dance for me Wallis – W. E. OST (for piano solo).it is wonderful ! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing! Your music is immaculate and motivating! It’s very much the pulse and soul embodied into notes! Would love to know what inspires you.
Thank you for your wonderful music; you are such a talented composer! Evgeni’s Waltz is one of my favorite of your list. Playing the piano is just a hobby for me, but I would love to learn that piece. PS: Please come to Hungary and give a concert!
Your majesty, Dear Abel,
it is not a coincidence, that i titled you top highest. Because you are a talent, you are a mega composer.
I am musician my self, a violist, and would like to play many of those compositions with my own team of players. All movement has own beauty, but it is really mesmerizing how wonderfully you combined so many instruments and have not forgot a harp.
Could I possibly ask a Full Score of Charms, Revolving Door and I will Follow You?
Charms requires more instruments than strings group and harp only, but it is so transparent , so appealing, and sound fantastically round and complete that i would like to find the capacity to perform this one day!
While choosing the repertoire , I always focus on an audience.
I believe your compositions can leave people off emotional.
My own feeling i could describe like this: “I feel like am on the top of the high mountain of Tatra and observing the world around and this feeling empowers me with magnetic power.
Juliya Belyanevich
Très belle musique de films! Bravo vous êtes doué! Et je suis fan….
thanks so much for your amazing music!!well done,i am a fan from China,i heard your song”Dance For Me Wallis” two days ago,it’s a poison,i am addicted to it,The “W.E.” album is masterpiece.
i don’t know how to play piano,but when i was child,i always love listening piano music.jealous of the people who can play piano….
Thank you so much for your being so generous to share the sheet music with us. Though I may never get a chance to learn how to play the piano, I will always value this sheet music!
Hello Mr Korzeniowski, Is it possible for you to publish Dance For Me Wallis as well? I absolutely love that piece and would die to get the sheet music.
Is it possible to have “Letters” sheets in PDf format? Thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful music!
Thank you so much for making this sheet music available. I have four young daughters and also have my own business so it is hard to find the time to play the piano. I fell in love with this piece and am going to try and learn to play it this year having not really played the piano for the last four years. The beauty of this music will hopefully echo throughout my home and bring joy to all my family and calmness and happiness to me!