Juliet’s Dream – music sheet

For your playing pleasure, a piano transcription of “Juliet’s Dream” from my original score for “Romeo & Juliet”. It reflects the essence of the full orchestral arrangement, so it’s a little more complex than the original piano part. You may consider using a sostenuto pedal for low bass notes.
Enjoy and I hope you’ll give it your own voice.
Download and Donate
I want people to enjoy my music, regardless of where they come from and how wealthy they are, so, you are welcome to download it in return for a donation. It can be as little or as much as you want.
August 2015
21 Responses to Juliet’s Dream – music sheet
The whole Romeo and Juliet’s album is mesmerising but Juliet’s dream, Queen Mab, The cheek of the night and Come gentle night are especially extraordinary and stupendous – what a great composer
Thanks for allowing to access your sheet music, love all of your compositions
I love your soundtrack so much !!!! it gave the film so much deeper emotion than the actors could ever present and thank you so much for the free music ! its not common composers want to share their talents for the education of ppl ! love you so much
Muy respetable Abel: FECILIDADES, tiene Ud. un don musical maravilloso, como compositor, que trasciende con toda fuerza en cada obra suya, revelando una profunda sensibilidad y profundidad. Mil gracias por su música y por poner al alcance algunas partituras. ¿Alguna vez nos dará la partitura de “A thousand times Good Night”???
DIOS le bendiga.
I breathe with your music, thank you!
This is amazing !!! thank you so much
I love your music,they’re just purely beautiful.Thank you , for such amazing melodies, thank you ablel. I’ll always be your truly fan and waitting for your official music sheet to be published.
Please upload “Forbidden Love”
Hello, I tried printing this off, but no matter what settings on my printer I tried, the bottom line on each page was cut off. Does anyone have any idea how to be able to print off so all the notes show up? Thank you.
Please upload “Come gentle night”, your music is amazing!!!
Hi there I absolutely love this piece and I am wondering if I purchase it and donate would you give me permission to use 15 seconds of it in a video I am creating?
Please upload “Forbidden love” … your music is extraordinary !! We need more
Please upload “Forbidden love” your music is extraordinary ..we need more
Thank you so much!!!!!
would love to see a violin music sheet for come, gentle night better yet a music sheet for the whole piece that piece really hit me and i cannot stop hearing it now very powerful.
I’ve been waiting for a long time for Abel’s official sheet music to be published! I love R&J soundtrack very much and also W.E. as well especially Forbidden Love and Revolving Door and I hope to see more piano arrangements from you!
Thank-you Abel. I just sent a donation and downloaded this beautiful piece! Much appreciated. All the best. Take Care and again Thank-you! Dawn
Thank you, Abel! I don’t play the piano, but plan on trying some arrangement for my instrument based on this music sheet. Cheers and thank you for sharing your music with us.
Thank you so much!
you give music an additional dimension.. simply fabulous…
thank you